Adding ads to your blog is a great way to monetize it and generate some decent revenue. In this blog post, we will discuss the different ways that you can add ads to your blog and start making some money.
We’ll also answer common questions and provide tips to make the process smoother. So, if you’re looking for ways to make your blog more profitable, keep reading.
And check out information on web hosting basics to learn about how to choose the best hosting provider. and read why Ezoic is the best ad network platform.
How To Monetize A Blog With Ads
Ad revenue is one of the most common ways to monetize a blog. And it’s not hard to see why.
Blog ads are relatively easy to set up and manage, and they can generate a decent amount of income with relatively little effort on your part.
The two ways to add ads to your blog are by joining an ad network or contacting and working with advertisers directly. Joining an ad network is the preferred route for almost everyone.
Ad Networks
There are a few different ways that you can add ads to your blog. The most common method is to use an ad network. Ad networks are companies that connect advertisers with publishers (like you). For example, Ezoic is an ad network that connects advertisers with publishers who want to monetize their traffic through ads.
Another popular method is to use Google AdSense. Google AdSense is a program that allows you to place ads on your website. When someone clicks on one of the ads, you earn money.
They handle all of the grunt work, including finding advertisers, negotiating rates, and managing campaigns. All you have to do is sign up for an account and add a few lines of code to your blog.
An ad network is able to get bids from potentially 100s of advertisers and place the best ones on each post.
Work Directly With Advertisers
Another option is to work with direct advertisers. This involves reaching out to companies or brands that you think would be a good fit for your blog and arranging a deal directly with them.
This can be a bit more work than using an ad network, but it can also be more profitable. After all, you’re cut out the middleman and get to keep 100% of the revenue.
Tips For Adding Ads To Your Blog
Adding ads to your blog is a pretty straightforward process. But there are a few things you should keep in mind, especially if you’re just starting out.
#1) It’s important to understand that you will need to have some traffic before you can start monetizing your blog with ads.
Some ad networks require a minimum amount of traffic to your blog before they will approve your application. So, if you’re just starting out, it’s a good idea to focus on building up your traffic before you look to placing ads.
Ezoic and AdSense are the exceptions, they will work with almost any blog no matter its size, and place ads on your site for free.

Advertisers are only interested in working with blogs that have a decent amount of traffic, so don’t expect to make any money from your ads until you’ve built up a decent audience.
#2) Adding ads to your blog will likely result in a slight decrease in your pageviews and/or time on site.
This is because readers will be distracted by the ads and may click away from your site sooner than they would if there were no ads.
So, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons of adding ads to your blog before you make a decision.
Tips For Monetizing Your Blog With Ads
Now that we’ve covered the basics of monetizing your blog with ads, let’s take a look at a few tips to help you get started.
#1) Choose An Ad Network
First, if you’re using an ad network, make sure to sign up for one that specializes in working with small publishers, such as Ezoic.
There are a lot of ad networks out there, but not all of them are created equal. Some networks are better suited for larger publishers while others work better for smaller sites.
Ezoic uses AI and machine learning to enhance the user’s experience while achieving the highest ad rates achievable for the blogger.
In fact, Ezoic states: “Ezoic is a technology built just for publishers. Our software streamlines the accessibility, implementation, and optimization of lots of ad networks and ad-related technologies. Ezoic provides access to thousands of ad networks, exchanges, and ad partners and includes various sophisticated ad technology with our core Monetization products.”
#2) Ad Placement
Second, don’t go overboard with the ads. You might be tempted to add as many ads as possible to your site in an effort to maximize revenue.
But this is usually a mistake. Too many ads can be distracting and annoying for readers, which will likely lead them to click away from your site.
A better approach is to start with a few well-placed ads and then increase the number of ads gradually over time. Ezoic uses its own algorithm to determine the appropriate number and type of ad to place on each blog post.

#3) Data Analysis
Finally, make sure to track your results so that you can see how well the ads are performing. Again, Ezoic has a great Data Analytics report tool that provides way more information about your blog than you will know what to do with.
Monetizing your blog with ads can be a great way to generate income. Just remember to keep your audience in mind and start slow. With a little bit of effort, you can make your blog more profitable in no time.
How To Get Ads On Your Blog
So, if you’ve decided to go ahead and place ads on your blog, what are the steps to do so?
If you’ve joined Ezoic as your partner and created an account, the next step is to integrate your blog by using nameservers or their own plugin. Don’t worry, they take you step-by-step through the process.
Ezoic says: “Everyone who signs up with Ezoic can complete integration, setup, and be approved in less than 24-48 hours after creating an account.”

That is pretty much the whole process, you can be hands-off at this point if you wish. The better way forward is to explore all the tools and analytics offered by Ezoic to better inform yourself. You can see which post is performing better than another and why.
Start A Blog And Make Money
As you can see, adding ads is both easy to do and can be lucrative. If you have not yet started your own blog, there’s no time like the present. Not only is monetizing your blog a great way to make some extra income, but it can also be a fun and rewarding hobby.
How Can I Make A Blog More Profitable In?
As you can see, adding ads is a great way to monetize your blog. The best approach is to experiment with different ad strategies and track your results so that you can see what works best for your site.
Do not neglect to add quality content on a regular basis to your blog. The only way to gain viewers is with good, relevant blog posts and proper SEO techniques. This way, Google will rank your content which will drive viewers to your blog and earn you more ad revenue.

With a little bit of effort, you can make your blog more profitable in no time.
How Do Beginner Bloggers Make Money?
There are a few ways to monetize your blog, but the most common is through ads. You can sign up for an ad network, such as Ezoic or AdSense, which will place ads on your site and pay you based on the traffic you generate.
As a beginner blogger, you won’t have a lot of traffic, so many ad networks will not accept you into their program. Ezoic and AdSense both accept very small blogs but don’t expect to earn much money until you are able to grow your blog and viewership.
Cost Of Adding Ads To A Website
There is no cost to you for letting an ad network place ads on your blog. There may be an associated cost to join a particular ad network or be a member of its tiered network.
Ad networks make money by charging the advertiser for each ad placed on a website. When an ad is clicked, the ad network pays the website owner a percentage of that money. The amount of money an ad network pays its website partners is based on a number of factors, including traffic, ad quality, and click-through rates.
The amount of money you can earn from ads will depend on the traffic your site generates and the ad networks you are a part of. Generally speaking, the more traffic you have, the more money you will make from ads.
Monetize Your Blog With Ads – Summary
There you have the tips and strategies on monetizing your blog with ads. If you have not done so already, sign up for an ad network and start placing ads on your site. Try different ad placements and strategies to see what works best for your blog. With a little bit of effort, you can start earning money from your in no time.
As you can tell, I use and highly recommend Ezoic as my ad network partner. They have a higher payout rate over AdSense and a suite of tools to help test, analyze, and improve my site’s performance.